Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sell-outs, Buy-outs, Cop-outs = Hand-outs

A corporate tax cut wouldn’t likely create job growth because “waste, mismanagement and corruption” is rampant in both corporate and government institutions. Corporations wouldn’t do any better with this “gift tax” than they have under current Bush tax breaks.

Just as happened with lending institutions, businesses would hoard the funds for already needed working capital, and to supplement executive compensation, while offering lower wages and fewer benefits, knowing that with so many other job seekers in the same dire straits workers will have lower salary expectations. It would be a great blow to the free market system if funding appropriations had to be policed and enforced by the Fed.

It would better serve American business interests to have Congress review tariff laws and renegotiate “fair” trade agreements. Also, corporate America cannot be competitive in the global marketplace while shouldering the high costs of employee health benefits; a national healthcare plan should be a priority.

Surely President-elect Barak Obama recognizes the change we need goes beyond the failed corporate motto: “we love profits so we won’t hire American workers”.

We cannot afford any more bailouts - they breed sell-outs and buy-outs, but mostly cop-outs. Ultimately, they become nothing more than handouts.

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